Stuffed Matzo with cream cheese
I was so busy coming up with fancy recipes for Passover that I forgot to post our all-time favorite Passover breakfast, stuffed matzo, which I made this morning.
The recipe, and I use that term loosely, is based on something my grandmother used to make when I was a kid. We called it fried crackers. It was a special delight when she added cream cheese since most of the time is was just the soda crackers. What started out as a depression era dinner become a Passover treat in our house. I simply substituted matzoh for crackers and voila!
Stuffed Matzo
For each serving you will need:
- 2 matzohs
- Cream cheese
- 1 egg
- 3T milk
- butter
- salt & pepper, syrup, etc for serving
Spread the cream cheese on 1 matzo as generously or sparingly as you wish. I usually do a thin layer, more for the calories than anything else.
Whisk the egg and the milk together. Place the filled matzos in the egg mixture for a few minutes – you can finish up the Seder dishes, check your Facebook page or empty the dishwasher while you’re waiting- turning it over once or twice.

Soaking in the goodness
Heat an appropriately sized nonstick frying pan add some butter and fry until golden. I usually pour some of the extra egg mixture over the matzo before turning it to use it up. I turn it so the excess falls under the matzo in the pan and therefore becomes part of the “toast”.

Allow the extra egg mixture to run under the matzo.
We serve it with salt and pepper, but syrup, jam, cinnamon sugar would all work. You could even spread some jam or apple butter between the layers with the cream cheese if you wish.

Cutting the matzo into squares so I can take a pretty picture