Finished Sangria
For warm nights on the deck, porch or patio or sunny afternoons with friends, it is hard to think of a more fun and refreshing beverage than sangria, that classic drink from Spain and Portugal. Earliest recipes include fruit, sugar/honey, wine and sometimes brandy. I have been making this version for a really long time. It is a summertime staple in our house. Peaches are a really nice addition. Here is how you make it.
Blackberry Sangria
1 Lemon
1 lime
1 orange
2 -3 T agave or simple syrup
3 oz Triple Sec
3 oz Blackberry Brandy
½ pt blackberries or mixture of berries
1 bottle dry red wine, I like to use a Spanish wine, like a rioja
16 oz club soda, opt
Wash the citrus well and cut into quarters.

Trimming the membrane from the lemons
Slice off the membrane at the top of each quarter like shown in the picture above. This does 2 things. Gets rid of some of the bitter membrane and opens up the citrus so it releases more juice.

The ingredients, prepped
For the lemons and limes, I usually cut each quarter in half and then across in thirds so the pieces are about the same size as the berries. Obviously the orange will have more cuts to make them into berry sized pieces. Do not feel that you have to be as crazy as me in making the pieces all the same size. It will still taste wonderful.

If you look closely you can see the juice in the bottom.
Squeeze the citrus as you place it in the pitcher making sure you do not lose any juices.
Add the berries. Top with the agave, the Triple Sec and the Brandy.

Press down on the fruit to release enough juices so the liquid covers the fruit
Press down on the mixture so the fruit is covered by the liquid. Let macerate an hour to a couple days.
Fill a large pitcher (more than 2 quarts) with ice, add the drunk fruit, the wine and the club soda, if you wish a more diluted product. Stir and serve the blackberry sangria once it is cold. Drink well and enjoy!
This is a great do in advance “dish” for parties and it is easy to take along. Simply bring the macerated fruit, a pitcher, a bottle of wine and seltzer. Open and pour in the wine and seltzer into a pitcher with the fruit. Instant Party!

Instant Party!
Yes, I do eat the fruit – the unpeeled citrus and the berries. The peel gets soft from sitting in the alcohol and sugar, especially after a day or two. If it hasn’t sat that long, I just eat the berries.
A really good history of sangria is here.