More Bread Adventure


My husband and daughter are upset that I am baking so much, but I did say they didn’t have to finish each loaf.
(“Sure, she didn’t say we had to finish each loaf, but, it’s hard not to!” -husband)
Finished baking loaves, 5, 6, & 7.  Again they had marvelous crisp crusts, but #7 won for flavor.  Loaf  #8 got demolished at the neighbors’ during a pizza dinner.  It was interesting to taste the bread than the pizza crust.  It was amazing how much more flavor the bread had.
While trying to check to see if different brands of flour absorb different amounts of liquid, (they do, but not a lot) loaf #9  came into being. Not wanting to waste the flour & water mixtures I added the remaining ingredients, but there was no more beer.  After it proofed, I peppered it with olives and baked it.  It was still delicious.  Loaves 10 & 11 are proofing (rising) now and will be baked during class tomorrow. I also want to try another whole wheat version, but I’ll update you on that later.
I have come to the conclusion that since the bread is so darn easy to make and because the dough will keep in the fridge for 3 days,  that I should double the recipe then bake smaller loaves. After baking, the crust also loses a lot of crunch on day 2, so it is best not to have leftovers, which really isn’t a problem. I’ll post the recipe this week.

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